The title of this entry isn't quite accurate. Today is, after all, the day after He rose, but still...He's amazing any day of the week.
Easter at school was beautiful. The triduum up there is wonderful. Long liturgies, but every single minute of every single one is awe-inspiring. On top of the spiritual edification of the past few days, I had so many friends visiting, there was almost never a dull moment. We sang, talked, ate, prayed, and played football together. Yes, indeed, we played football. I was incredibly sore afterward (still am a bit, too), but it was SO much fun! I even caught an almost touchdown pass. It would have been a touchdown if I had remembered to run after catching the ball, but I was so amazed that the ball was in my hands that I totally forgot about that part.
But now I'm home for a few days. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and quite a bit of homework to do, but other than that, I'm a free woman. I've been catching up on all of the new media around our house and just relaxing. I've definitely been reveling in the relaxation, too... the last few weeks of school are absolute mayhem, but fun mayhem. I can't wait :D