Their poor mother, though. Talk of an overachiever. That's one revelation this experience has given me -- I can never, in all honesty, be labeled an overachiever. Compared to this lady, I am the queen of serenity. We tackled the pile of clothes in the twins' "bedroom" today. The bed was literally covered with clothes of all sizes, shapes, and colors. We managed to get everything sorted into girls and boys piles, and those sorted into sizes and type (trousers, sleepers, onsies, outfits, etc.) We then put all of the clothes into their dressers. Coral has just about enough 0-3 month clothes that if her mother changed her everyday she would have enough outfits to last until she outgrew them. Without doing any washing for her. George isn't quite so lucky. He has a few outfits he fits into now, and a bunch for when he's two. He's a little sparse in between the two stages, however. However, I'm rambling. The point of this paragraph is, that after we accomplished all of this, I said something about how much we had gotten done. she didn't agree with me. All she sees is the stuff she still has to do. She never acknowledges what she has managed to do. Poor thing. This could be a rough couple of months.
Nonetheless, the babies are unpardonably adorable, and eating and sleeping better and better every time I see them (which is about once a week). Before the parents know it, their children will be sleeping through the night, putting food in their own mouths, and managing to function like every other child, teenager, and (soon enough) adult has for since B.C.
And, on the way home, I was welcomed by this:
"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with." ~ Mark Twain
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