19 September 2012

Double the Fun

I am so clever. My title covers two subjects: my double duty at work and my double scrapbook post. I am so proud of myself. Teehee.

So my double duty at work: because of my health problems (aka passing out at seemingly random times), they're "promoting" me. Instead of being the AR clerk pretending to be a receptionist, I am simply going to be an AR clerk. This means that I'll be inside with the rest of the normal people instead of out in the elevator lobby. It also means that I'll get a bit more money. And that I don't have to wear my TAC skirts every day of the week. Yay for jeans, cute tops, and 'cessories!

However, this week, I'm BOTH. I'm learning how to do a full time job... which means I'm doing everything that my new full time job will involve and doing my receptionist job. If you call the corporate office, my "thank you for calling" may be said really quickly and not quite so happily. I'm a bit frazzled. (Hey, you try doing two full-time jobs in a normal 8 hour day. Exactly.) So the fun in the title refers to this face a bit... sarcastically.

The double scrapbook post:
The "Sanctus" I did on Sunday... rather fittingly, I think. It's a shot a snapped at my graduation Mass from the choir loft. I just love it when all the servers have the candles and incense and kneel in front. Such a moving visual. And just for those who are Latin illiterate, "sanctus" means "holy," which is the part of the Mass we were singing at the time of this picture.

The "Croquet Date" layout I did today. The picture is from my second date with my "big brother." It was a big group win-a-date. We ate snacks and drank beer. A lot of beer. In this particular picture, Chris is telling me "you need to put the stick lower." And this was at the beginning of the afternoon. By the end of the afternoon, I'd swing, completely miss, topple over from the momentum, and crash land on my tush. Graceful, yeah. Maybe that's why he "broke up with me" on the way back to campus.

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