25 August 2013

Public Service Announcement | For Men, From Me

Dear Men and Undereducated Women,

There is a misconception about women and their hormonal cycle, namely, that there exists one week in a month that is a time fraught with hormones. We are expected to be slightly crazed and unreasonable during this time because of a sudden influx of extreme chemicals.

Now, this might be true to a certain extent. There is a time of the month that is distinctive. There are certain tell-tale signs: depression, crying, crankiness, etc. But let me tell you, it's the tip of a hormonal iceberg. It is, simply, a time of the month. See this picture?

Yeah. So that's the month long picture. Our bodies are always a hormonal circus. Yay! We have all of these different chemicals racing through our bodies at different times in different amounts and different ratios. It can make us happy, sad, angry, loving, suspicious, or just downright bonkers on any given day. There is a chemical reason for almost every emotion, but I don't expect any of you men to keep track of these things in that much detail. I simply mean to alert you to the fact that hormones are a constant source of inspiration for females.

So don't belittle us to being abnormal at one point in the month. We are delicately balanced creatures who ought to always be handled with gentleness and sincerity all the time. Every day is a new, exciting, hormonal adventure. It's the physical roller-coaster that never ends.

End of announcement.

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