and I'm posting! I'm sitting in the mail room at school; Jims is sitting on my right correcting his MODG student's latin quizzes and on my left is a freshly printed, newly completed paper for my language paper. I am feeling incredibly proud of myself... it's a whole 11 hours until it is due! No last minute scrambles for this girl. :)
Life has been a roller coaster. Some days are fantastic, and some have... well, not been fantastic. My beloved grandfather passed away a couple of weeks ago. The weeks before, the actual event, and the aftermath have been overwhelming. No, I shouldn't say that. If not for the amazing graces God gives me, it would have been overwhelming. Not only is He readily available to me in the chapel, but He has sent me some incredible friends. They have taken a great deal care of me... more or less spoiled me. :)
Last night the St. Genesius Players put on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and did an awesome job with it. It was hilarious. Well cast, well blocked, and, of course, well written ;-)
I am a very blessed girl. Why? I definitely don't deserve it. It's a very good thing God doesn't give us what we deserve...