I lied about posting at Thanksgiving. I know I didn't promise anything, but I still feel negligent. In all honesty, the thought of posting did not even enter this little brain of mine. I arrived late Wednesday afternoon with two additions, had Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, went KK shopping, uploaded pictures to facebook, generally chilled out on Friday, and then was back on campus by lunch on Saturday. Yes, we're crazy. It was a short trip home, but when you aren't driving, your opinion is not important. And I didn't mind it... it was good to have a day to just hang with friends on campus. The stress of school doesn't make that possible. I, at least, am always worried about something that is due in the future (whether that future is near or far is inconsequential - it if is due, I view it as a large knife hanging over my head)
Then school started again. It is a bit of a downhill slide from Thanksgiving break to Christmas break. There are a lot of goings on to keep you busy, as well as that bleak raincloud with the word FINALS etched across it. It sits on the horizon, gloating over you. No matter how much happiness, frivolity, and joy you may have up until then, that raincloud will pour torrential amounts of water upon you. But I love it. I really do. Seven days of intense academia, but you are well-rewarded for them. You see everything you learned come together to a wonderful, cohesive whole and you do it in the company of some of the greatest people on the planet. And there is nothing as satisfying as walking out of a final feeling you succeeded to the utmost of your abilities. Yes, it takes hours to reach the level of confidence which that thrill demands. Believe me, though, it is worth it. When you can explain with ease the phlogiston theory and Lavoisier's counter argument as well as the definition of motion and the principles of change, you feel accomplished. I suppose that is why so many people view TAC sophomores as conceited and annoying. We are simply reveling in the fact that we know what we are supposed to know. And that is a wonderful feeling which cannot be contained, though, perhaps, it should be.
Then home. Christmas was only a week away when I arrived. The bustle of the season is incredible, yet surreal. Three weeks off seem a long stretch, but one that is gone in but an instant. I have been home for approximately 9 days now, and I until January 10th to enjoy it. And I will. I have been up until this moment, and there is nothing to impede me from continuing in that enjoyment. Home is good!
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