30 May 2010

Out on the Town

I suppose Sunday Mass doesn't really count as being out on the town, but it's only the second time that I've left the house in 10 days. It was wonderful to get out of the house for a bit. As difficult as crutches are to move about on, it's better to move than not. It was especially nice because I was going to one of the best places that I can go. I wasn't able to get to Mass last weekend (I was still way too drugged up) or at any other point since surgery. I'm spoiled at school, where I have four different options for Mass times. Barring extraordinary circumstances, I am able to get to Mass every day, so two weeks without it was difficult.

When I went this morning, I decided that I would sit on the end of the pew to give myself the most foot room (my cast, Albert, is quite bulky) and exit options if necessary. The one part of this plan that was not ideal became apparent at communion. Distance between pews is designed for space efficiency, not someone on crutches. I had to pick my way rather carefully. Even then, I had a couple of snags and almost falls. By the time I got to the center aisle, I had caused a bit of a traffic jam. I went as quickly as I could to the priest. Before giving me Communion, he whispered with a big smile, "Roller blades work marvelously, you know." I was so kerflummuxed by my little trip that I forgot to say, "Amen" (which is acceptable, although not the modern convention). Fr. Hal just patted me on the cheek.

My feet, as I play the piano at home before Mass. The drastic mismatch of my footwear made me laugh. I have to pedal with the wrong foot as well :-)


Therese said...

I love the name for your cast, dear. It seems to cast the character very well.

Anonymous said...

Lol, Katie!