26 October 2012


I am such an undisciplined blogger. I do apologize.

Things have been pretty quiet around here. Just the same ol' same ol'. I'm ok with that, though. Here's some random facts about my life:

I made my very first divorce card this week. Not really my specialty, but a good friend from work's divorce was finalized and I bought her a bottle of wine to celebrate. If that's even the right word. I wasn't very... verbose. What do you say on such an occasion? I went with Mum's suggestion of "Onward and Upward." That's all it said. Oh, and my name. I made the front pretty with a doily and ribbon and such things. Not really my specialty. I hope it isn't a task I have to repeat.

I'm going to visit my dear, darling friend Augusta this weekend. My train leaves at oh dark thirty tomorrow morning. You know I must love her if I'm sacrificing my Saturday morning sleep-in to get an extra five hours with her. So excited to spend time with this girl.

We have an iMac. Yay! Pretty pretty.

In the two confirmation classes we've had, we've talked about gay marriage and contraception. We weren't really supposed to be talking about those things, but the kids brought them up and really wanted to talk about them. And we couldn't leave these things hanging. After all, they thought that Catholics hated gay people and that the solution to abortion was birth control. Oh boy. They also seem to be an odd mixture of excited/awkward about the fact that they have to talk to their catechists about s e x for six weeks next semester. Ha!

My boss-boss amuses me. He says funny things.

"Next time you pass out, can I please call 911? It's for your own good... they might be cute."

So does my mama.

"Whatever you do, don't forget your shirt. I mean, your medicine. Though the other thing would be bad too."

Oh, and I had this strange conversation with my boss-boss this morning.

him: "Perception is reality."
me: "Uh, I don't think so. Reality is reality."
him: "No, reality is what you perceive it to be."
me: "I am not Cartesian, thank you very much."
him: "Carty-what?"
me:"Cartesian. As in Descartes. The philosopher."
him: "What's that?"

Sometimes I feel so alone in the accounting department... 

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