06 January 2013

Mysteries of the Universe

Boys. I don't understand them.

We had three of them staying at our house the past couple of nights. We put out clean towels for them and our towels were already hanging in their usual spots in the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom this morning... and all of the towels were wet. Three boys used six towels. Including mine, which I had used just yesterday (read: not perfectly clean). I'm not sure what happened. Honestly. I have no idea.

But they were nice. And, unlike recent visitors, they spoke English quite well. :)


lizrosema said...

Hey! I write a blog too (in addition to making eggs). I find it pretty challenging the writing is fun but trying to get people to read it is not. You have been writing for a much longer time though. Do you have a lot of followers? or tips for blogging? I have been attempting to expand my reading audience pretty much to no avail by spending exorbitant amounts of time on the internet.

bridget said...

Hey, Liz! What made a big difference in my viewer numbers was to start tagging or labeling things in my posts. That's what makes things come up in searches, apparently. :)