23 November 2013

Blog Your Heart | November 2013

Thanks, Steph, for starting another one of these up! I've done a couple on my own, but it's been awhile... thanks for the inspiration.

The "rules" (I hate calling things rules. They're more like guidelines, anyway. But I love following rules. Weird, I know), copied, pasted, and edited to be relevant from Stephanie's lovely post.

1. blog whatever is authentic. whatever is truly on your mind and in your heart.
2. It can be serious, silly, short, long. NOTE:no one said it has to be serious. But it should be authentic.
3. No judging allowed no snarky comments, no making fun, no passive agressive digs.If you are going to read the blogs linked below, don't be mean. Nothing here is whining, though I can't help it if you perceive it that way. It's me honestly sharing my feelings. if you feel that it's whining, then you don't have to read. :)
4. If you join in, leave a link to your post. I'll stop by and read and comment. 
5. If you are reading my blog today or if you read any of the blogs linked, please leave a comment.

1. I am so stinking tired of being sick 50% of my life. I know, I know, I should be a "good Catholic" and "offer it up," but if one more person tells me to to that, I am going to punch them. Or put the eye on them. Seriously. How can a statement meant to be helpful sound so darn condescending? STOP IT. Being sick stinks and I don't want to be told what to do about it. Don't tell me to go see a doctor either. Been there, done that. I'm doctored out. When I'm good and ready, I'll go again to try to find the source of my various ailments for the 7213198642916935th time. Back off.

2. Chauvinists give me anxiety attacks. Also anger problems. I wish I could sincerely, authentically blog my heart about this one, but that wouldn't be prudent. ARGH.

3. I'm super excited about redoing my room. Painting is done, including the ceiling and trim. Curtain rod & curtains are up. My books are stacked up off of the shelves and I'm ready to head to IKEA later today. Me and my snotty, wheezy self. It's gonna be fun. My room will be beeeeautiful. Yellow, white, with grey chevrons. Classy.

4. I'm struggling to find a direction for my life currently. When people ask me what I want to do with myself, all I really want to say is "get married and start a family." But society has made that an uncool thing to say. People think I'm kidding. But really... that's all I want to do. I want to have a husband, a home, and babies. I really, earnestly, authentically believe that's what I'm called to do. I just can't find a man willing to hitch his horses to my wagon and go. (Weird metaphor, sorry. But you get my point.)

5. I despise the stigma surrounding mental illness. Getting personal here, I have PTSD. I do. I have my good days, but I also have my really, really bad days. I have my really horribly bad moments. But when I tell people (aside from my PTSD suffering family members and a handful of very close friends) that I have this problem, they laugh. I wish I were kidding, but I'm not. And here I am, a girl who required years of therapy to get to the point where she could acknowledge that she had a problem that wasn't her fault, but was the fault of the men who cruelly abused her for years, and it that it is a real problem, being laughed at because... I don't even know why they laugh at me. Is it because they don't believe PTSD is a real problem? Or that I don't really have it? Or does mental illness make people so uncomfortable that all they can do is laugh because to actually acknowledge it and connect to the sufferer in a real way is too frightening?

6. I am excited for Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. I love cooking. I love food. I love our traditional walk to the neighborhood park between dinner and dessert. I need to get my gratitude on, though. Reading back on this post, I really need to get my gratitude on. Time to be thankful for things.

7. I am obsessed with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Seriously. OBSESSED. I've watched every episode at least twice. Agent Grant Ward? Dreamy. I love his clean-cut, professional attitude, alongside his deep and fierce loyalty to his team. I love his complexity and his drama that is portrayed so well through a lack of drama. I would like to marry him, please&thank you. And those abs? and pecs? and triceps? meeeeelting.

That's all, folks. xoxo


stephanie howell said...

You are really brave. I'm proud of you for writing this all out and clicking "publish".

I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful Thanksgiving.


Keshet said...

I felt the same about #4--and you know what? It may not be popular, but I'm glad I always kept in mind what I wanted most. I have it now even though I had to turn down some other things down the road to get it. And it's worth it to me, because I know what my focus is. Best of luck:)

Anonymous said...

I found you via Stephanie's blog, I'm a first-time reader. I love that your dream in life is to get married and have kiddos. Who cares if it's not trending right now - what better than to have a life spilling over with LOVE? I like the honesty of this post. Definitely authentic! Thanks for sharing. :)

Mrs B said...

I am sorry you are sick, nothing worse than being sick. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. I think when people say to you, Give it to God, it is because they don't know what to say but really want to help. That was my grandma's saying for everything bad and I know it was a meaning from her heart when she did not know what else she could do. PS I agree with #2!