24 June 2008


It is quarter to two in the afternoon and the window is open! A ridiculously pleasant breeze is blowing in through the window. It is amazing what influence on your mood the weather can have. I have been barely able to keep my eyelids propped open the past few days. I was not motivated to do anything beyond that. Today, however, I finished quilting my quilt and got halfway through binding it. And the day is only halfway over! And, unlike the past few days, I can think comfortably about what sort of dress I want to make myself for the TAC winter formal. It has been simply too hot to think of floor-length polyester dresses for the past few days. Now I can, with great delight.

But there is one dark cloud on the otherwise clear, bright, and deliciously cool horizon: my sister is gone :( Since she is gone ten months out of the year at school anyhow, you would not think that this would bother me. But she isn't at school, so it bothers me. Don't ask me to explain it...I couldn't...I can't. She's in OOOOOOOOklahoma for the week. And I'm here, waiting for the phone to ring. It isn't Prince Charming's call that I am waiting for, either. That would make waiting here bearable. But it is that job that I have been applying to for the past two months. They can't seem to put the pieces together and hire me. I've done my TB test, I got my background check, did a drug screening, signed 25 different documents promising that I wouldn't lie, cheat, or steal, and I even called my "future" supervisor to tell him I had done all of that. I was hoping he could prod HR in the right direction. I'd sort of like to start working before move-in day (which, btw, is in 58 days!!!). But, as it now stands, I am here and my sister is there. Which must be the way it should be...I really could not be considered to be in control of this situation.

But that isn't why I started posting today. The breeze just kicked up again, reminding me why I did start writing. I'm thankful for what I have. The bright, golden sun is looking down on an earth that is warmed by its radiance...but not too much today. Not too much.

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