07 June 2008

Graduation weekend

The past two days have been rather crazy. I'll give you a summary. Whether or not it will be brief, I don't know yet :)

Friday started out earlier than I anticipated. I was expecting to leave the house at approximately 11:15 to get to the Cunninghams' by 11:30. Instead, I had to leave the house at 10 (which I found out at 9) to get to the Cunninghams' and do a Holy Hour before we went to Mass. This wasn't a bad thing, but it deprived me of an hour or my morning. To any guys reading this, it may not seem important. But to girls, an hour is important. Not that I had anything special planned - I just didn't get all of my chores done when I had anticipated that I would.

For the Mass, "my" choir was supposed to sing the Latin Mass parts. However, my choir usurped me and decided to to the Our Father in English. Then Father usurped the whole choir and started saying both the Holy and the Lamb of God. So, things didn't go exactly as planned, but we got through it. As long as I don't dwell on the unmitigated disaster that the Our Father became, I will remember it as a very pleasant last Mass with Father.

After Mass and the party, we went to the Cunninghams' swim lesson. They aren't the traditional lessons that most people receive. They are "water safety" lesson. Basically, this way the kids can be reasonably safe in the water. They learn how to swim basically and float when they get tired and/or need air. The little ones are so cute!

Saturday was the big day. Ten o'clock Mass was supposed to be offered by our religion teacher mentioned above, but he wasn't able to make it. Thankfully, the abbey sent down a substitute priest who was very nice. For his homily he told stories of young people (young women, actually) who had changed the world because they had said "yes" to God. Very inspirational. After Mass was the presentation of diplomas, during which the parents got up and gave speeches about how wonderful their children are. I was really, really red when it was my turn. It was pretty embarrassing, but it only happens once . . . so I suppose I'll survive. :D

This afternoon we went to the Commissioning Ceremony for an Air Force staff sergeant who became a second lieutenant. There was lots of patriotism in the air and lots of men in uniform . . . big plus. haha, jk

On the way back, we kidnapped Andrea with her knowledge and consent, and went out to dinner at Outback. The food was excellent, the conversation was not stimulating, but it was entertaining, and the atmosphere was pleasant. It was nice that my sister was able to come for dinner at least. Her finals are next week, so she's been cramming, but she escaped the textbooks for a couple of hours and came with us.

Now I'm sitting in the computer. Writing this. And in about 10 seconds I'll be done. The End.

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