31 December 2008

Sappy and Sentimental

There are so many nice, cozy home things to enjoy. Even the way home smells is comforting. There are puppy-wuppies to snuggle with, family to talk to, snacks that do not consist wholly of wheat. Even with the latter, however, I think I've managed to eat too much over the past week and a half. A benefit of occasionally disgusting caf food is that you don't eat as much. But when you like every meal that is prepared and all of the food that is available for munching... well, let's just say I should start exercising better self-control.

Today is New Year's Eve. 2008 is almost over. I'm an incredibly sentimental person, and I must admit quite a bit of sadness at the close of this year. So many milestones. My wonderfully relaxing last semester of high school was this year. I turned eighteen and got my first job (after a roller coaster-like five months of looking). And the last four months have been some of the most wonderful ones of my life. TAC and I are a perfect fit. I can't help feeling, however, that a phase of my life is over and a new one has begun. It's like a Great Hand turned the page in my life book. It feels fresh and clean and full of potential... but there's a part of me that wants to go back. The years only seem to go faster the older I get. I want to savor every moment that is given to me to hold.

What will 2009 hold? A few givens - more classes, homework, dancing, finals, job hunting, summer break, Ptolemy, more finals - but how they will come about is always a mystery. There is an enormous range or circumstances which can surround each event. Who knows what will be put on my plate? I can guarantee, however, that it will be an adventure!

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