08 March 2013

Three Historic Tweets

What do Ben McKenzie, Michael Cudlitz, and Dylan Bruno have in common?

Two things:

1) They're all celebrities.

2) They ALL replied to my tweets.


The Ben tweet, in particular, was so exciting that I took a screenshot on my phone. Lemme tell you a little bit about why it made me so excited.

I know I sound like a dumb teenage girl here. I am very excited to have gotten a response from Ben McKenzie of "The OC" fame. (Although I like Southland better... and am stoked about the possibility of his new show, Advocates.)

I am not excited, however, because he's famous. Well, it's partially that. It's mostly because he is super duper shy. He hardly ever says anything at all on twitter, let alone replying to people who talk to him. The guy has so many female fans who are absolutely CRAZED. His twitter is basically spammed every day by these ladies. His general policy seems to be to ignore everyone, for which I don't blame him. If I were being practically stalked by crazy people, I would ignore them and just pray that they'd all go away without doing harm to me, my loved ones, or themselves. And yes, this is why I don't want to be famous. I'm kinda paranoid.

When he does tweet, it's mostly about his political activities and going out to lunch. I find the latter vaguely interesting, and the former highly intriguing. We are absolutely ideologically opposed, but that doesn't mean I can't find his opinions fascinating. I'd love to sit down and talk about important matters with him some day. It might end up (on the lottery-winning-sized-chance that it will even happen) with the two of us so frustrated with each other that it would just devolve into yelling... but as long as it was yelling inspired by intelligent thought and not idiotic stubbornness, that would be ok with me.

I am excited because I got a super shy guy to come out of his shell and respond to something that I said. I am 1) happy for him that he took this great step in becoming a more evolved human being and 2) proud of myself for saying something a little snide to this great figure in the celebrity world, which ended up helping him to his more evolved state.

Yes, this is all a little nonsensical, but I can't always be sensible. A girl's gotta loosen up and stop making sense once in a while.

1 comment:

Sunnie said...

Thats freaking awesome!! I love this show, its my all time favorite. I hadnt heard about this other show, Advocates, Ill have to look intio that. This is excting!