11 March 2013

The "Dump" List

So we did an activity yesterday, similar to the "What do you want in a spouse?" one that we did before. The theme for these lists was "when to dump him" for the girls and "when to dump her" for the guys. Here are a few samples:

When To Dump Him:

"If he gets fat or lets himself go."

"If he's constantly on his phone."

"If he is ABUSIVE!"

"If he doesn't have good hygiene."


"Not wanting eventual marriage or kids."


"If he hides things from you." (The example given was AIDS. Whoa.)

"If someone else better comes along."

"If he puts me down."

"If the bro CHEATS!"



"Dangerously pretentious." (wow. big words.)

"If he wants an open relationship."

"Over protective."


When To Dump Her:

"If she doesn't like your parents."

"If she can't leave you alone once in a while."

"Waaaayyyy too clingy."

"If you find out that she has totally lied about her life and you loved that image of her."

"If you are whipped." (not physically, but the wrapped-around-her-finger type of whipped)

"If she has 3 other significant others." (But 2 would be ok, I guess...)

"If she doesn't let you talk in a conversation."


"Lets herself go."

"Can't read above a 5th grade level."

"If she is emotionally unstable or controlling of you."

"If she plans your wedding."

"If she's a lesbian."

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