10 December 2013

Yet Another Post About Modesty

(I don't mean to beat a dead horse. Really, I don't. It seems that every Catholic/Christian/opinionated woman in the blogosphere has a post or two about modesty. If you're tired of the subject, please, feel free to skip this post. I'm blogging from my heart and only intend to help my fellow women navigate a small aspect of this crazy world. I do not intend to offend anyone or even to defend any particular group of people. I'm simply expressing my thoughts. xoxo)

My dear women,

We've all been there. Stepping out of the shower in front of the mirror that graces the wall of every bathroom. Barely glancing at our reflection. If we do glance there, we immediately bombard ourselves with a litany of insults. I'm fat. My stomach sticks out. My thighs are too big. My breasts are too small. My nose is wide. My forehead is short. We wrap towels tightly around our imperfect bodies and hurry through the motions of getting dressed. Covering up. Hiding our shame.

We wear layers of clothes, all designed to accentuate our good features and hide our bad ones. We arrange and rearrange the combinations to diminish the appearance of imperfections. If we are ashamed of our skin, we hide it.

Sometimes we do this in the name of modesty. We tell ourselves that we shouldn't wear clothes that are too tight because it's immodest. But ask yourself - are you doing it because you find your body beautiful and wonderful or because you are embarrassed by what you see? Are you unwilling to share the secret beauties of your body because they are holy or because you see them as ugly sources of shame?

Modesty is not a cover-up of imperfections because we are ashamed. It does not adjust necklines because we are embarrassed about our cleavage. It does not tug down a skirt because thighs are ugly. Modesty is not intended to hide ugliness. It is intended to veil beauty.

Even if you don't have body-image issues, you can still approach modesty with the wrong attitude. You may recognize the beauty of your feminine body, but you cover it because you're ashamed of the beauty. I know this seems impossible and even contradictory, but I have known women who love their legs, but cover them in baggy pants because they are afraid. Afraid to love themselves. Afraid to lead men to lustful glances. Afraid, afraid, afraid.

But ladies, modesty isn't fear. Modesty is confident. It recognizes beauty and does not fear it. It protects it and honors it, but it does not fear it.

If you carefully measure necklines in finger-widths from your collar bone and conscientiously make sure your shorts extend past your fingertips, make sure you do it with the right attitude. Clothing does not a modest woman make. The attitude adjustments that I am encouraging do not demand a change in your wardrobe. All I am suggesting is that when you put those clothes on, remember that you are beautifully and wonderfully made. Your body is nothing to be ashamed of, nor is it something to be feared. It is your body, given to you by God, to be loved and protected.

Much love, beautiful ladies.



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