10 November 2014

Let's Talk About Advent

Christmas is always a bit of blur. There are so many parties, so much festivity, so much doing.

Sometimes in our desire to show love to others, we buy so much stuff, wrap it in fancy paper, sing carols, drink hot cocoa, untangle long strings of lights, and on and on and on until we forget that Christmas is God gifting God to us.

This Christmas - this day that will dawn in a short forty-five days - I don't want to forget that. I want to let Jesus gift Himself to me the way He always wants to gift Himself to every single one of us.

"Great goal. But how are you going to manage to do that?"

I'll let you all in on a little secret: I'm not doing it alone.

This Advent, I'm going to take full and complete advantage of a devotional from the beautiful Ann Voskamp, entitled "The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas."

It's a twenty-five day commitment - one short Scripture passage, one small meditation, one act of kindness, one moment of reflective questioning a day - to remember to breathe during the ever-accelerating blur of Christmas preparations.

I need to remember to breathe.

To take a break from the doing for God and start being with God.  

I'd like to invite you to join me in this journey, a journey from darkness to light, from loss to abundance. Set aside your loneliness and put on your belovedness.

Isn't a book purchase from Amazon worth it when it can open your heart & allow God to come in and love you?

We all should have the best Christmas, the Christmas where God gifts Himself to you.

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