29 February 2008

Visiting the gang!

A "bundle of potentialities" just arrived at a nearby household, so our mob went to visit their gang. The visited family is so much fun to be around...to illustrate, I'll give you a brief summary of each of the four principal sources of entertainment.

He's a four and half year old (approx.) black lab who has the most lab like personality. Upon our arrival, he and his doggy "brother" were being quarantined in a separate part of the house. They could us and we could see them, but one of those annoying things called a glass door was separating us. Oh, the felicity experienced when he was released from his bonds. He went straight for us. Tongue, feet, tail...you name it, it was being flung at us. And as his human "mommy" says, "The more you give him the more he wants" in reference to attention. He is in constant want (or need, depending on how you look at it) of human contact. All of his time must be occupied by you petting him. Or he will be licking you.

This specimen is a 18 month Boston Terrier/Bulldog mix who thinks he is the king of every situation in all of its particulars. The moment of his release was less one felicity than one of fulfilling his control freak needs. He proceeded to rip around the room at top speed, barking at everyone and everything. He wanted to be petted by one person, but at the same time, wanted to be petted by someone across the room. His antics were mirth provoking to say the least. His entertainment was sufficient for several minutes but when we ceased to pay him heed, he directed his attentions toward annoying his "big brother." This took place by Thello biting whatever part of Xino he could get at.

Emily is an absolutely adorable 3 yr old little girl. (yes, I've finally progressed to the humans of the house)The entertainment provided by her was not a direct effort on her part. Well, I'll let you decide that for yourself. Upon our arrival, she proceeded to lock herself in her room. Her mother fetched her out, and halfway across the living room, she flung herself face first onto a conveniently positioned dog bed. Her mother decided the best tactic was to ignore her, so our conversation was peppered with
E: "Mommy?"
M: "Yes, Emmy."
E: "I'm shy."
M: "We know sweety."

The responses on the part of her mother were slightly varied, but Em's were absolutely fixed in stone. She would declare very loudly and vociferously that she was shy, but demanded that we all pay her attention. Ah, the joys of being 3!

Now, I've finally gotten to that aforesaid bundle. Leah is 10 days old today, and an absolute doll! She weighs approximately 7.5 pounds and has the most beautiful skin color I have ever seen on a baby! She likes to stretch her little legs and arms out and curl her fingers around anything she can. Her eyes are open and alert looking fairly frequently and she's as good natured a baby as I have ever met. Her mother told us that she rarely wakes up in the night and when she does, she's content to just look at her mommy in the dark. What a gift! Babies are the sweetest things!

So now, I leave you all to be insanely jealous of me and my good fortune in the baby holding department. :)


mystical_rose84 said...

BAGEL!!! I love your blog. Now I can savor your beautiful writing style more often! I love your description of the gang (lol)

bridget said...

I'm glad I'm able to provide you with some entertainment :D