01 March 2008

Fabric, fabric, fabric

Ah, the wonders of wandering into the local fabric store! Shelf upon shelf of various colored fabrics surround you. It's almost like a jungle. Not that I've ever been in a jungle...but I can image, can't I?

I just got back from an excursion laden with $60 worth of fabric. Right now they are merely 10 spring-hued yards of cotton and cotton-poly blends, but in a couple of weeks (tops) I should have an Easter dress for me and an Easter skirt for Mom. I'll post pictures when I'm done...


Andi said...

What? You don't love me anymore? JK:)

bridget said...

If you really want another skirt, go to the fabric store and get yourself 2 and one-eigth yards of fabric, about 1.5 yds of lining if necessary, and a 7 in. zipper :D

Therese said...

Wow, Bridget! It sounds like you are becoming quite a seamstress!

Andi said...

Um, I was kidding. Probably the last thing I need is another skirt.

Lisa said...

Ah, the excitement of new skirts...