23 July 2012

Random happenings

Today didn't contain anything that I would write more than about 100 words about. It did have several things worth communicating, though. So here they are, all in short form:

1. I have a Michigan accent
I went in for a pseudo-interview today. I say pseudo because it was with a temp agency that places administrative assistant types. No job, but more possibilities. Anyway, the lady at the front desk asked me very seriously if I was originally from Michigan. Apparently, I have a "really strong" accent. I guess that's what I get after becoming good friends with many people from the hand state at school. The more I deny it, though, the more it happens. Unfortunate truth.

2. I clean up well
The man who interviewed me escorted me into a little room where I could be interrogated. I mean questioned. I mean... oh, you know what I mean. Interviewed. As I sat there, he half-listened, but mostly kept looking me up and down. About halfway through, he said that if he had known that I would look "this way" an hour ago, he would have had a position for me. Cue mystified feeling. Wrapping up the interview, he warned me that they don't place all of their candidates, but he thought I had a good chance because I "seemed smart, had a college degree, didn't expect to be paid a lot, and..." He paused and looked me up and down, clearly at a loss for the appropriate words. He finally settled on "clean up well."No, I wasn't offended. I was amused at the scene. A young man, who doesn't know me and is in a professional setting, trying to figure out how to compliment my appearance. Yes, I was amused.

3. My Italian Mama is brave
Or stupid. I haven't decided which yet. We had some errands to run after my pseudo-interview. (GROSSNESS WARNING) She stopped off at a restroom and lo-and-behold, there was a large wad of paper towels in the toilet. Not wanting to make a mess, she scooped up the paper towels (eeeewwww) before using the toilet herself. The hoped-for result was that the toilet would flush without the obstruction. Then she could put the paper towels back. Unfortunately, her theory didn't hold water. But the toilet did. No flusheo. So she had to restore the paper towels to their former residence. (eeeeewwwww). I would have waited til I got home. Just saying.

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