07 June 2013

Too Weird to Make Up

You know that sometimes you have those experiences that are just too strange to make them up? Still, you resist telling people about them because you think "Oh, they might think I made this up and judge me for it!" so you keep your mouth shut.

Well, my life is full of those moments. I had one yesterday. And I am braving your judgmental judgyness and telling you.

I was zipping my shorts up (and don't pretend to be weirded out by this, people. Zipping pants up isn't even remotely exciting. We all do it. Unless we're really old or super young, in which case we are blessed with elastic waistbands, our denim shorts all zip up. And we all occasionally have to zip and unzip them. So deal with it.) when something strange happened.

I gave myself a papercut on the zipper.

Ok, technically it's a metal cut... or a zipper cut... but it's one of those little sliver cuts that bleeds a little and then really hurts for days and threatens to get infected. Seriously, the whole top of my thumb is pink and kinda swollen. And it HURTS.

Yes, so that is the weird thing that happened to me yesterday. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. I mean, really... who gets a paper-metal-zipper-cut? It's beyond my wildest imaginings.

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