05 August 2008

Update from the front

From one of the senior members at Camp SLO:

Things are going extremely well. 186 cadet basics, 50 cadet staff, and 37 senior staff. No one from our squadron has wanted to go home. We've only lost one overall for medical reasons. A few have been allowed to call home, but did not end up going home. Our female cadets are holding up extremely well. Our male cadets seem equally strong. I try to keep up with our 144 cadets when I'm out and about, but there are so many. I have been partial when taking pictures, but fair.

The weather is a bit chilly today, but has been most excellent since I arrived on Wednesday. Deer come out on post at dusk.

I think the only complaint has been about the food. Not sure they're getting enough. Major Freeman hopefully will slip them more bread and water later tonight.

Lt Kler, I'm told, performed a typhoon inspection that left his flight cleaning up for hours. His call sign is now Typhoon Kler. The sad thing is that it was supposed to be an "instructional" inspection, not a real one. He missed the memo.

Major Ammenn and Lt Jackson have kept up with the others. Lt Natwick was extremely busy yesterday with the obstacle course. Only a few injuries, nothing major. I think after a while he almost gave up with safety prevention.

I continue to sew here; ripped pants, name tapes, patches, patches coming loose and hemming pants. It's been a great first encampment for me. Getting the weekbook together has been flawless thus far. My PAO cadets are amazing as is the videographyer. There will be video's when we return. The signal is not strong enough here to get them uploaded.

If you could, Sir, Please send out an email to encourage every one to go to this website and check out what is happening here. sq45.cawg.cap.gov/encampment.

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