01 August 2008


I went in Wednesday with a sheet of paper in my hand. I had written down the days I needed off during the next week. I was plenty early - a week is what my supervisor told me. But, he threw me for a loop. He had done the schedule. And scheduled me on a day which I needed off. And it wasn't just a convenience day off for vacation. I need to go pick my brother up from encampment at SLO. So, I'm not going to be around. Period. No way. I'm going to be far, far away. I went through the list of people who weren't already working that day. Nobody wants to do it. Granted, it was a narrow list. Almost everyone is going to be out of town that weekend - three different weddings, family trip, etc. That means I only have one option: I have to call out. Basically, call that morning and tell them. They're not going to be happy, but my supervisor said I could, if I had to. And I have to.

But it makes me mad. I mean, he told me that a week was plenty. So I gave him a week and a half. He didn't tell anyone that he was doing the schedule early. He took off for Sweden the same day. I'm not really angry. I didn't yell or stomp around, or have any inclination to. It just annoyed me. Couldn't he have a little more consideration for the peons under him?

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