08 June 2009

Breakdown of PT, day 1

I had my first physical therapy appointment today for my feet and ankles. This is what I was told, summarized in bullet points:

~ I walk too fast
~ I'm too young for this kind of thing
~ My ligaments are pretty much gone in my ankles and my muscles are super tense to compensate
~ I would fall over every step I take, but you can see me compensating dramatically
~ My right foot is still swollen and "mad at me"
~ I don't have any range of motion problems except the excessive kind
~ I'm a loosey-goosey girl all 'round

Yay! I have a whole four weeks to fix these things!!! (save the first and last ones... the first really isn't a problem and the last is just something I'll have to deal with permanently) This will add a bit of excitement to the summer :-/

1 comment:

Andi said...

Heck, yes! I told you that you walk too fast! Ha!