One of the principles which is universally accepted is this: a thing cannot both exist and not exist at the same time in the same respect.
But productivity is something which can exist and not exist at the same time, albeit not in the same respect. (productive can be said in many ways) In my life right now, I'm incredibly busy, but seem to be doing nothing. At present, my to-do list reads something like this:
- find a job
- read The Aeneid
- read War and Peace
- sew a quilt
- get to physical therapy
- go shoe shopping (including orthotics)
- study latin
- learn C++ programming language
I also just finished writing three letters to friends from school, have a couple more to do, have to help with the upcoming Cunningham wedding shower and the big day itself... all in all, I have a lot on my plate. But no matter how much of this I get done, unless I get item #1 on the list done, I won't really feel like I'm accomplishing anything. It's this familiar uphill climb... I just feel like I'm sliding backwards. Pray for me!
Hi! Just curious, I thought you have to read War and Peace for Senior year? My prayers go to you on finding a job and accomplishing your other tasks. And if you have a chance, please, pray for me in that regard as well. Love and miss you!
You are right, War and Peace is for senior year... but I want to read it anyway :) So, in the grand scheme of things, it's toward the bottom of the priority list.
Prayers are coming your way! :D
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