21 June 2010

Twilight Sleep

The anesthesia they used today wasn't general, but something called "twilight sleep." You don't go entirely unconscious. Unlike general anesthesia, you retain your dreaming faculty. This was mine.

The real world faded out and the doctor and the assistants were replaced by some of my good friends. Michelle was the doctor, with Manly-Hanley working as her assistant. Michelle was quite the pro and Jeff was as helpful as he could be while fighting the urge to pass out. In the corner, Chris 1 and Chris 2 stood, laughing at me, cracking all sort of jokes about how funny I looked while unconscious. At my head stood Jacob, wearing his Neo costume from Halloween and holding a large gun. He was protecting me. When I started to wake up (enough to open my eyes, but not be mentally present), they tried to get me to stand up. A man grabbed me, stood me on my feet and when I started to topple, he placed a wheelchair under me and ushered me to the recovery room. Or so they tell me. What I remember (in that sort of way that you remember things, but know they were dreams) is a bad guy grabbing me by the arm, and shaking me so violently that I began to fall down. Then Chris 1 and Chris 2 came to my rescue by scooping me up and running me out of there, Jacob covering us with his large gun. He got those bad guys good.

My heroes *sigh* ;-)

1 comment:

Therese said...

That's so awesome! I wish I could dream like that!