In the second Anne of Green Gables movie (possibly called "The Sequel"), Anne tells Mrs. Harris, mocking her rolled "r"s, "You can cr-r-riticize everyone we pass by." Mrs. Harris reprimands her for the uncharitable idea (even though Mrs. Harris is so very fond of criticizing). I would have fallen victim to Mrs. Harris' reprimands while walking up and down the shore today.
Beaches are full of unseemly sights. Not the glorious wonder of nature, but the people. Creations with more dignity inherent in their beings are exposed to more censure than the inanimate water, sand, and sun. People, would you please look at yourself in a mirror before you leave the house? Leaving aside the obvious problem of indecent exposure, which runs rampant among the young ladies, my problem was more with the bad choices for personal body types. Ten year old girls should not be wearing suits cut for more mature figures. Even more mature figures should not wear suits that were cut with young teenagers in mind. Men should not wear incredibly tight, short shorts, especially ones that sit well below their waistline. Nor should they scrunch their swim trunks up their legs to expose more to the sun. (To be fair to American men, it seems that it is mostly the European tourists who engage in the last faux pax)
These observations have nothing to do with the characters of the individuals, but merely their style choices. Consult an honest friend before going into public, please. I implore you.
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