16 August 2010


Sitting on a hard, plastic chair, I stared at the floor. Thoughts whirled through my head: Why am I here? Why did I do this to myself? Why are these people so slow?

"Now serving G zero two zero," droned a grating automated voice.

I shook my head in frustration. Fourteen more people before me. I had been in this spot twice before and, through a series of choices, had ended up here again. At the DMV. Waiting to take a permit test.

When I got my first permit, I was mentally and emotionally not ready to drive. I was scared silly and not motivated to learn. The second permit went better, but before I had a chance to take my license test, I had surgery on my right ankle. I also was away at school, where I have neither the means nor really the opportunity to drive.

Two hours after walking into the DMV, I had passed my test. Mum and I headed home, this time with me behind the wheel. Third time's the charm! :)

1 comment:

Therese said...

Bravo!! That's my Bridget!!