22 July 2008

Thrift Stores

I love thrift stores! My mother and sister think they smell funny and generally avoid them, but I love them! The things you can find are sometimes ridiculously random and junky. But you can find some really neat items, as well. Here's a sampling from today's expedition:

8 antique, high-backed chairs. They looked like something out of medieval times.
Simplicity patterns from when they only cost a dollar (compare that to now when they cost about 15 dollars)
A Gunny-Sacks wedding dress, which I shamelessly tried on.
A Pickles cartoon book
A fur coat
Light bulbs
Electrical outlet thingymerbobs
And a hand-knitted (or crocheted, I can't tell which) throw blanket that we bought for a bargain $7

Like i said, I love thrift stores. :)

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