But good, all the same.
Saturday was Becca's Confirmation. It took place at the 5:00 Mass but all of the candidates and sponsors had to be there at 3:30. It ended up being a ridiculously long wait, but it gave me a good opportunity to talk to a CAP cadet who is in my brother's squadron. He was also getting confirmed that day. I'm easy for cadets to talk to as I know all of the lingo used in CAP. He could complain about the incompetency of A1Cs and I knew exactly what he was talking about. The concept of "flight sergeant" was one that was known to me, so he didn't have to give me a translation. We spent a solid 30 minutes talking about CAP, which was fun for me. Otherwise, in all honesty, I would have been bored silly.
The head bishop of our diocese offered the Mass for us. He is a very nice, very conservative bishop. He does, however, have a bit of a "canned" homily that he gives at Confirmations. Since I have been to several, what he says has become very familiar. Not that that is a bad thing. With a brain like mine, it is nice to hear things repeatedly. Helps it stick.
Today was a First Communion for a little boy whose baptism I actually remember! There are finally kids who are at that age. I was old enough at the baptism to actually remember the First Communion now. There have been quite a few where that was not the case. The family hosted a very nice party afterwards. There were a lot of people there, but it actually wasn't that chaotic. They have a nice backyard with lots of room to roam, so the kiddies could spread out. Besides, outside noise is always less aggravating than inside noise. Myself and two other girls amused ourselves by giving each other new names. But not just any names -- boy names. It is kind of a long story, but suffice it to say that my new name is Balthazar Aaron. And I am a lilac. It is amazing what a little sugar can do to a few teenage brains.
It was a tiring weekend, but it was nice. I didn't get any pictures...I was too lazy, I suppose. And even if I don't remember any particulars, I'll remember that it was an overall pleasant weekend. :)
Love the blog! Thanks for letting me read! Who are the twins? I'm too lazy to go back any further than the second page.
The twins belong to some friends from church :)
Balthazar Aaron, huh? Sweetness!!:)
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