31 May 2008

An Excerpt

from Regina Doman's "Black as Night"

Sometimes, it amazes me
How strong the power of love can be
Sometimes it just takes my breath away.

You watched my love grow like a child,
Sometimes gentle and sometimes wild,
Sometimes you just take my breath away.

And it's too good to slip by,
It's too good to lose,
It's too good to be there just to use

I'm going to stand on a mountaintop and tell the good nws
That you take my breath away.

Your beauty is there in all I see
And when I feel your eyes on me
Sometimes you just take my breath away.

Since my life is yours, my heart will be
Singing for you eternally
Sometimes you just take my breath away.

And it's too good to slip by,
It's too good to lose,
It's too good to be there just to use.

I'm going to stand on a mountaintop and tell the good news
That you take my breath away.

At last he receded, and let his picking linger to a stop. When the last string had stopped vibrating and stillness filled the closet again, he looked up to find he had a live audience as well. Brother Herman and Nora were leaning against the wall of the sacristy, listening.
"Beautiful," Brother Herman said. He glanced at Nora, who still hadn't moved.
"Yes," she said at last. She took a deep breath. "Is that a religious song?"
"It's just a folk song from the 70's I learned growing up," Brother Leon said. "No, it's not really religious."
"But it's a true love song," Brother Herman said, patting Nora's shoulder. "And hence, deeply religious."

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