26 August 2012

Apple, Solver of Problems

I am now the (super duper) proud owner of an iPhone 4S. Go me! My favorite features include the fact that I can set it to chirp like a bird when I get a text message (such a happy, pleasant sound) and the camera. It's a lovely camera. It takes purdy pictures. It even allows you to be an absolute narcissist and take pictures of yourself.

I'm used to doing the awkward hold-the-camera-so-it's-facing-you-and-hope-for-the-best-with-your-aim thing. I assumed that I had to do the same thing with my new camera. A higher resolution picture, maybe, but not very well... framed.

But Apple has fixed my problem. There's a little button that you push that causes the camera to turn around and point at you! Ohmygoodness this makes the narcissistic pictures of myself not only higher resolution, but actually centered. Or somewhat flattering since I can arrange my face accordingly.

What makes me laugh about this whole scenario, though, is that my Italian Mama knew about this feature and I didn't.  TAC really did an effective job of killing any tech savvy I might have otherwise possessed.

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