24 August 2012

Picture Perfect, Not a Perfect Picture

Income + Me = New Dress. I couldn't help it. It's beeeautiful. I have always wanted a dress like this one. Creamy, lacy perfection.

These pictures don't really do it justice, but I can't really photograph myself. So the dress hangs on a hanger, in the only place to hang a hanger: a curtain rod. The backlit effect hides the color and also makes the dress look scandalously see-through. Which it isn't. Really.

I love my new dress. *happy sigh* An awesome start to the weekend.

And this weekend will only get better: tomorrow I'm going to get serious and place an order for scrapbooking stuff with 2 Peas in a Bucket. So stoked. I'll take a picture of my loot when it gets here with my new iPhone. (yeah, I'm getting that this weekend too!)

(Haha, rereading this post, I realize that I sound like an extreme materialist. I really don't buy things this often. Really. Really, really)

1 comment:

Stephanie Howell said...

LOVE the dress,love that you are going to order. You deserve it!