28 August 2012

Week Four, Day Two: Brain Dead

I am officially, officially brain dead. Let me illustrate:

I have two daily rounds through the offices. One in the morning, where I drop off morning mail to various people and dump some stuff in the outgoing mail pile. The other is in the afternoon, after I've processed my morning mail and I drop off a few more things to various people and dump my mail in the shredder.

Today, I did my morning run twice. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon. My shredding ended up in the outgoing mail bin, where it was confusedly picked up by the shipping guy, brought to my supervisor, who brought it to me with a questioning eyebrow.

Ohhhhhhhh dear.

For the longest time, I couldn't figure out what happened. I don't actually remember taking my afternoon rounds. But the above explanation is the only logical one.

So it's official. Not even halfway through week four and I'm brain dead. That's nice.

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