10 August 2012

What *I* Do Best

People have stuff they're good at. All sorts of stuff. Usually, it's enhanced by a college education and supplemented by experience in the workforce. Engineers. Doctors. Musicians. Radiologists. Etc.

But what's a girl with a double major in Philosophy and Theology and a minor in math, but lacking in the patience that is requisite for teaching, to do? She works 40 hours a week doing things she's relatively not good at. Like answering the phone and doing accounting clerk stuff. In the evening, she drags her tired self to Bible study. And there she gets to do what she does best.

Last night I ventured out of the house. I was hesitant to go since I was so very tired, but I decided it would be good. Worst case scenario, I could fall asleep on the floor while the video was playing. That isn't what happened, though. We all watched the video. I raised a quizzical eyebrow at some of the claims made, but agreed with most of it. The discussion that we had afterward wasn't always focused. We talked about trivial things (like catching "spiritual fleas") and serious things (like the meaning of "transverberation"). I brought up some reservations that I had with some of the claims made on the video, but found that I had the most to say about anything. I had strong opinions... most other people had questions.

I felt so obnoxious. I kept telling them to tell me to shut up if I was getting annoying, but the evening ended up evolving into a Q&A session with me as the resident source of knowledge. I was kind of embarrassed, but I did have an answer for everything. I tried to speak simply, but I still made their brains hurt. I was asked to bring a lexicon next time. Not in a bad way... they all wanted to know more.

I apologized multiple times for spouting factoids and syllogisms concerning the goodness of being as such and how we can be sinful and given grace simultaneously. They just sort of... popped out. But they were just grateful.

I realized on the way home, though, that while they were impressed, this is what I do best. I don't get to do what I do best at work, but after work. I was given a top-notch education at TAC. I don't know everything, but I've got a head-start on most everyone else. If I can't answer questions like this, what can I do? I was educated to know. I just hope I can use that to help others reach the same thing.

Truth. Goodness. Beauty. For the win. 

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