20 March 2008


Today is Holy Thursday. The first day of the Tridium. Something that I have never been able to spell right. But they are three of the most important days of the Church year. I should really learn how to spell...

This'll be my last post for a while. Certain people have commented on my excessive amount of posting, but they shall get a reprieve over the next week. Tomorrow, being Good Friday, is a day too solemn for things such as blog posting. Some of you may disagree with me, but this is one thing I feel very strongly about -- so you might as well let me have my way.

Saturday morning (early!) the mob takes off to spend Easter with our extended family. It is the first time we have taken a plane together in about 8 years. And the first time we have spent Easter with our insane Italian family since we moved away. There won't be anything too surprising, though. There will be lots of food, lots of noise, and lots of love.

My two (and only) first cousins on my mom's side are now three years old and 17 months. The older one has her daddy's insanely curly hair and her mommy's flair for the dramatic. She is very excited for our arrival, declaring her readiness to do the hokey-pokey with yours truly. Hanging out with little children gives one the opportunity to do things that would ordinarily be considered very silly. I do extraordinarily silly things anyway...but moving on

The younger (my Godson) is VERY chunky, but very jolly. He hasn't learned to love his cousins yet. The time between visits is too long for a baby to remember us from one to the other. But that won't stop us from having fun anyway! After all, cousins (especially Godparents) have a definite right to spoil adorable children.

Then there are other cousins: the three little girls who are obsessed with my brother, the one who shares my birthday, but it thirty years older, the one whom I was baptized with, the one who's a walking brain... and the list goes on. In our family, a cousin is a cousin no matter how distantly they might be related. Family is important to Italians, what can I say?

And all of this is a really long way of saying, "I'm going to be gone for a week."

So, yeah. I'm going to be gone for a week. :D

1 comment:

Andi said...

your third to last paragraph doesn't make much grammatical sense. The only reason I get it is because I'm related as well.