07 March 2008


I don't often get really frustrated, but today I did. The source of this frustration: men. Or rather, boys pretending to be men. AAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!
In my journey towards "ladyhood," I am trying to learn that poise which distinguishes a true lady from your run of the mill woman. I'm not very good at it yet. I'll be the first to admit that I have a long way to go. But how is a girl to learn how to be a lady, if she can't seem to find ANY gentlemen?
Alright, maybe that statement isn't fair. I suppose I have met gentlemen. No guys is perfect, but a lot of them are decent, respectful, and kind towards me. But for some reason, they're not the ones that leave a distinct impression on me. The ones who leave a distinct impression are the ones who make me frustrated. ok, ok, I'll call it what it is...they make me mad.
There are two....well, let's call them specimens of the male gender...who are on opposite ends of the spectrum. I get attention from both of them, and none of it is satisfactory or pleasing. From one I get overly profuse notice which is meant in the nicest way, and from the other I get insulting, unjust, and occasionally mind-boggling accusations. What's a girl to do? With the former, I try to be nice to him so I don't hurt his feelings and with the latter, I just bite my tongue and hold back all of the terribly mean things I could say to him. Neither course of action ends happily. One leaves me incredibly embarrassed and frustrated and the other leaves me insulted and frustrated. Put the two together and you have the perfect recipe for a good, long cry.
Like the one I will probably succumb to after shortly after going to bed tonight. And THAT isn't very ladylike.

So, if you have an extra prayer to spare, send one my way. Please&ThankYou


Andi said...

Might I ask what's going on?

Steve said...

Lol, sounds like a concerned sister right there......

I agree with your frustration, by the way.
I don't quite have the same poignant experience with it (obviously :D), but it is such a huge problem in our natures, that seems to be most difficult to overcome in our modern age...


If I could change the world...

bridget said...

Response to sis: I don't think I need to give one 'cause I kinda told you yesterday

Response to Steve: yeah. But if it helps any, you haven't made me mad...yet ;-)

mystical_rose84 said...

Oh Bridget! I am sorry. I wish I could make the whole problem go away. *Huggs* We will make it through somehow :-)