14 March 2008

Flubs a la O. Praem

A Norbertine priest comes once a week to teach us kids religion. For homework, he gives us a sheet of notes that are basically a condensed version of whatever source book he is using. (In case anyone's curious, this semester it is the Didache Series book "The History of the Church")

He must've been incredibly distracted this week, for the sheet contained an unprecedented number of mistakes. A sampling:

"St. Joan of Arc was burned at the state"

"The Black Plaque killed 25 million people"

"England had the upper hand due to the long bow French Civil War" (in case anyone can't tell, there is supposed to be an "and the" in between to make two causes...some people thought the "bow" was the mistake. Just to clarify)

Then there were some fairly minor typos, such as "poisned" instead of poisoned and "Pitrarch" instead of "Petrarch"

The winner of the afternoon, though, was something he actually said, while trying to correct the following:
"Michaelangelo's most famous sculpture is the Piet'a."

When explaining how to fix it, he instructed the class to "cross out the apostasy and insert an accent mark."

Hehe :D


Therese said...

I must say that I miss his classes. Someone would often unintentionally state something which would get the attention of the whole class. He explained things wonderfully. Could you say "hi" for me when you see him next?

bridget said...

of course I can! he's always happy to hear about his favorite gang :D