11 March 2008

History in the Making

At my lil' bro's CAP meeting tonight, an interesting event took place. This is how it was reported to me:

Maj. Ammann: Cadet Lynch, front and center
Lil bro walks up and salutes Maj. Ammann
Maj. Ammann: How do you spell your sister's name?
Lil bro: I don't know, sir

Needless to say, his response to the question produced much laughter amongst his fellow cadets. Apparently the point of this discourse was to give me an award. ME! When I inquired for a reason, I was told that it was for my helping out at the 4th of July parade last year. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen: I'm the first water buffalo to ever receive a CAP award! How exciting is that?!?!

Note to self: teach lil bro how to spell my name...


Therese said...

So...did Lil bro have any defense?

bridget said...

lol, no. I had him spell it for me in the car on the way home and he left out a letter

Andi said...

Dying from laughter. Tasha had told me that both you and Scott were going to receive rewards at the banquet, but neither of you showed up.

Make sure he can spell my name.

bridget said...

I did...he can spell it. Just mine he can't.

I wanted to go to the banquet, but Scott didn't :( I couldn't very well go by myself