14 March 2008


Yesterday, a local talk radio host sponsored a "family day" in the parking lot behind the station. A couple of families we know went, and as my brother and I were spending the day with one of them, we tagged along.

Twelve of us piled into their eleven seater van for the drive. It was a squash, but also vastly entertaining. Close quarters always provide different sources of amusement than when everyone has a "personal bubble." When we arrived, the dad of the family dropped us off at the curb while he continued to fight for a parking space. I'll try to describe the slightly chaotic scene, but my success is something that the readers will have to determine for themselves. On the side closest to us was a line of people holding clip-boards with their backs to us. A parade of cars was slowly driving by next to them. This, as we discovered, was a sort of petition signing "drive-thru." Basically, if you didn't have time to stop and eat free food (more on that later), you could drive along this little lane and sign some or all of the petitions being offered.

Once we got past the petition parade, a children's choir was what next demanded our attention. About fifty kids from a local Lutheran church were entertaining the crowd with various patriotic songs. I was expecting a slightly painful experience, but they were surprisingly good.

Then there were the people. The radio host said numbered them at the thousands. I'd say that was a bit of an exaggeration. I'd number it at no more than three hundred. But still, three hundred people crammed into the tiny upper parking lot is no laughing matter. I always seemed to be in someone's way, or stepping on someone's toes. I didn't know someone as short as myself could feel so giant and awkward.

Once boredom set in, we went in search of the free food that was advertised. We found the hamburger stand and got in line. And stayed in line. For about half an hour. By the time we actually got to the front of the line, I was really hungry and even the hamburger with barbecue sauce that resembled toothpaste in texture and had been burnt on tasted good.

Then, our 'venture was cut short. The three year old in the family had to go to the bathroom. And her mum couldn't find anywhere to take her. (It seems kind of silly -- have a family event with all of these little kids, but have no bathroom?) So the decision was made to leave as soon as possible. Oh, don't worry, the little girl had found somewhere to go, but it was not exactly an option that any of her older siblings would be happy with if THEY had to use it. So, full of free food and ears ringing with the noises of chaos, we piled back in the van and drove home. The End.

Actually, not quite. I have to throw this out there: If you are a registered voter in CA and have not signed a Sarah's Law petition, please find somewhere where you can do so! It's very important! Please&ThankYou


Andi said...

which radio show?

bridget said...

Hedgecock (sp?) on KOGO 600